#Sundaying#Saturdaying #Tuesdaying why I do it?
Whenever I run in to someone I know these days, people
always make a comment about if I work or not. “Lahiru, you are always #Sundaying#Saturdaying #Tuesdayingwhen do you everwork?”,
the reality is that I work all the time and for the last year and a bit I have
not taken a vacation ( otherthan public holidays, and weekends) but if someone was
to look at my FB wall it will be full of pictures of my #Sundaying#Saturdaying #Tuesdaying… how is this possible?
And why do I do it?
Its possible because
I live in Sri Lankaa island that is fairly spectacular. Where most locations
that you might want to run off for a break is just a few around the corner. Its easy
to drive up to a lovely beach, or get up to the hills. So if you want to do it,
the only person whose stopping it is you.
And why I do it
because I love to, and as a CEO your generally under a lot of preassure; and as
any CEO knows that you have to find your own little way to unwind. Driving a
few hours for a night to be at a place that I love helps me deal with work related
stress, and this helps me be a better CEO, friend and a overall nice guy.
Also a firm
beliver in livinglife to the fullest, so try to do things that I love to do
with the free time I have.
Dr. Douglas
McKenna, an industrial and organizational psychologist who help establish Microsoft’s
executive and management development group in the 1990s, stated that its super
important to to deal with stress in an effective way (which could be different things
for different people); if they continually manage to do this they can more
easily start thinking and reasoning clearly, free of stress responses
(FrobesArticle; Stress Management for the CEO)
Making use of the
free time you have to relive stress is critical in handling pressure when push
comes to shove. This end of the
day makes you better at dealing with both your work and private life. So if your not doing it already take the time
to figure out what works for you! And encourage people around to take some time
off and do what they love! It will make them a lot more productive and help you
reach your targets much sooner..
Shakya Lahiru Pathmalal is the co-founder CEO of takas.lk